Course Catalogue

Developer 4.0
Area Courses First Year Hours First Year Credits Second Year Hours Second Year Credits
General English Mathematics Business Development Company Law Communication Technics Economy Lean Startup Statistics Work safety Informatics Exam Preparation Meetings with business Project Work Classroom/workshop 150 Studying from home 100 10 Classroom/workshop 120 Studying from home 80 8
Software Development Web Development User Experience and User Interface Basics of Java Advanced Java Java Enterprise Edition Java for Android Big Data & Cloud Classroom/workshop 460 Studying from home 315 31 Classroom/workshop 50 Studying from home 25 3
Database Oracle Database PL / SQL Classroom/workshop 260 Studying from home 190 18 Classroom/workshop 40 Studying from home 35 3
Internship Internship 30 1 Internship 690 Studying from home 460 46
Total 1500 60 1500 60
Industry 4.0 Expert
Area Courses First Year Hours First Year Credits Second Year Hours Second Year Credits
General English Mathematics Business Creation Company Law Communication technics Economy Lean Startup Statistics Work safety Informatics Exam Preparation Meetings with business Project work Classroom/workshop 160 Studying from home 115 11 Classroom/workshop 120 Studying from home 80 8
Software Development Basics of software development Database Data analysis Advanced software development Classroom/workshop 360 Studying from home 240 24 Classroom/workshop 120 Studying from home 80 8
ICT for Industry 4.0 Networking and Cybersecurity Big Data Analytics IOT 3d Modelling Additive manufactoring Augmented reality Classroom/workshop 260 Studying from home 165 17 Classroom/workshop 60 Studying from home 40 4
Internship Internship Internship 120 Studying from home 80 8 Internship 600 Studying from home 400 40
Total 1500 60 1500 60
Digital Media Specialist
Area Courses First Year Hours First Year Credits Second Year Hours Second Year Credits
General English German Problem Solving and Team working Company Law Mathematics Work Safety Informatics Exam Preparation Meetings with business Classroom/workshop 105 Studying from home 70 7 Classroom/workshop 225 Studying from home 150 15
Digital Marketing Communication technics Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing CRM SEO Web Analytics Growth Hacking Economy Business Creation Lean Startup NPL Classroom/workshop 310 Studying from home 215 21 Classroom/workshop 30 Studying from home 20 2
Digital Content Creation Computer Graphics Visual and Brand Identity Web graphics Mobile graphics Audio-visual technics Web Development Classroom/workshop 215 Studying from home 135 14 Classroom/workshop 195 Studying from home 130 13
Internship Internship Internship 270 Studying from home 180 18 Internship 450 Studying from home 300 30
Total 1500 60 1500 60